I. New
The name you enter here is what the machine will be renamed to after it images. Computer names must be unique. You cannot have multiple computes in CloneDeploy with the same name.
MAC Address
The computer’s mac address must be correct for CloneDeploy to work. This is how the computer identifies itself to the Server when pxe booting. Valid formats include – 00:00:00:00:00:00 – 00-00-00-00-00-00 – 000000000000
The current assigned image of the computer. Both uploading and deploying will use this image.
Image Profile
The current assigned image profile of the selected image. Profiles control the image process for the computer.
Description (optional)
The description field is for your own use.
Sites, Buildings, Rooms
This is new feature of CloneDeploy and is still under development. This allows you to organize your computer in a physical manner. It is also a key component of distribution points. This allows you to setup multiple SMB shares for your images and point your computer to the appropriate one based on it’s physical location.
Custom Attributes
Custom attributes allow you to set custom values that can be used with custom scripting. An example of this may be a product key. You can access the custom attribute values within a script with $cust_attr_x replacing x with the number of the attribute.
Create Another
This can be helpful when adding a lot of computers. When this box is checked all values will remain the same after you click Add Computer. If you are only incrementing a computer name number or mac address all other values will remain the same.
II. Import
Import allows you to import a CSV list of computers. To see the template select Admin -> Export -> CSV Export
III. Search
The search screen is the default view when you select Computers. It displays all of the computers that have been added to the database. The search bar implies a wildcard before and after the string you enter. Leave it blank for all computers. You can also use this view to delete multiple computers as well as view additional options for an individual computer.
IV. View
The view screen presents an additional set of options for the computer you selected.
Allows you to modify the fields that were set when you added the computer.
Boot Menu -> Active
Displays the current boot menu the computer will see when pxe booted. It will be the current global boot menu if no task is running, or the task boot menu if a task is active. It could also be a custom boot menu that can be set for the computer. This can be a helpful debugging tool.
Boot Menu -> Custom
Each computer can have a custom boot menu if you wish. This menu will displayed anytime the computer is pxe booted without an active task.