I. Upgrade Path
CloneDeploy upgrades are incremental. Only 1.2.x can be directly upgraded to CloneDeploy 1.3.0.
II. Notices
- The Linux Imaging Environment has changed. If you are using the client iso / usb, you must generate a new one after the upgrade.
- The WinPE Imaging Environment has changed. If using WinPE you must create a new boot image using CloneDeployPE Builder 1.2.0
- The macOS Imaging Environment has changed. If using that environment you must generate a new NBI using AutoCloneDeployNBI-
III. Upgrade
Recommended before the upgrade: Update your linux box:
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
sudo reboot #(if necessary)
sudo su
1. Download and unzip CloneDeploy-1.3.0-upgrade.zip to your home folder:
wget --content-disposition -P ~ "https://sourceforge.net/projects/clonedeploy/files/CloneDeploy 1.3.0/clonedeploy-1.3.0-upgrade.zip/download"
unzip ~/clonedeploy-1.3.0-upgrade.zip -d ~
3. Update tftpboot:
cp -r ~/clonedeploy-1.3.0-upgrade/tftpboot/* /tftpboot
4. Stop Apache service:
service apache2 stop
5. Rename CloneDeploy folder:
mv /var/www/html/clonedeploy{,.bak}
mkdir /var/www/html/clonedeploy
6. Copy the new CloneDeploy folder:
cp -r ~/clonedeploy-1.3.0-upgrade/frontend /var/www/html/clonedeploy
mkdir /var/www/html/clonedeploy/api
cp -r ~/clonedeploy-1.3.0-upgrade/application/* /var/www/html/clonedeploy/api
cp ~/clonedeploy-1.3.0-upgrade/clonedeploy.conf /etc/apache2/sites-available/
7. Open /var/www/html/clonedeploy.bak/web/Web.config
On or around line 8 find the database connection string and write down the password
On or around line 40 copy the dbencryption key value
7a. Open /var/www/html/clonedeploy/api/Web.config
On line 37 change xx_marker1_xx to your database password from step 8
On line 122 change xx_marker2_xx to your encryption key from step 8
8. Repair permissions in CD folder:
chown -R www-data.www-data /var/www/html/clonedeploy
9. Backup CD database (enter your database password when prompted):
mysqldump clonedeploy -v -u root -p > ~/cdbackup.sql
10. Update CD database (enter your database password when prompted):
mysql clonedeploy -v -u root -p < ~/clonedeploy-1.3.0-upgrade/1.3.0-update.sql
mysql clonedeploy -v -u root -p --execute="update images set image_environment = 'linux' where image_environment='';update images set image_environment = 'linux' where image_environment is null;"
11. Restart Apache service:
service apache2 start
You may need to clear your browser’s cache to reflect the new web design
Open the WebUI
Select Admin
Find the BaseURL and remove the service/client.asmx piece
Change the Tftp Server Ip to your server ip address
Save the settings
Click Yes to create a new boot menu when prompted
Click Create Boot Files
13. Delete temporal files and exit from sudo:
rm -rf ~/clonedeploy-1.3.0-upgrade
rm ~/clonedeploy-1.3.0-upgrade.zip
rm ~/cdbackup.sql